In recent years, Cyber Monday has become the new Black Friday — so why should businesses focus on Black Friday alone when they can take advantage of the whole Cyber Week? Historically Black Friday and the following discount frenzied days have encouraged a surge of consumer spending, and predictions suggest that despite a decrease in overall spending, the amount of Brits forecast to shop the Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales have risen 6% since 2021. Businesses must be sufficiently prepared for the busiest shopping season of the year. To develop your meticulous marketing strategy and learn more, download BBSA’s free Black Friday marketing guide here. Read our interview in Medium.
Every business is different, but one thing that all have in common is the need for good marketing to win new clients, sell more & grow. Marketing activities take knowledge, time, effort, and consistency, so what if we told you that you could have a team of people taking care of your marketing so that you can just focus on what you do best – run your business?
Find out how BBSA can help. Learn more about our marketing outsourcing services. Get a free marketing consultation.
BBSA – Anna Stella, Marketing Expert & CEO